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Ordon is a single-player game for HTC Vive created by a team of five Entertainment Technology students at Carnegie Mellon in two weeks for the class Building Virtual Worlds. In this game, the player assumes the role of a warrior in a fictional country, accompanying the country's most revered sorcerer on a trip to the capital Ordon. The sorcerer is travelling to the capital to cast a protective spell on it against an invasion led by an evil lord who possesses supernatural powers. Meanwhile, the evil lord knows of the sorcerer's plan and tries to stop him by summoning ground fighters and sending waves of deadly projectiles from above. With only a mace and a shield at their disposal, the warrior must ensure that the sorcerer safely reaches Ordon.

I was the sound designer of the team; I composed the game music and made all the sound effects. In addition, I wrote the game's script and designed some of the gameplay elements, such as the sorcerer movement and combat mechanics.

You can watch a playthrough of the game below.

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